Consulate General

Mr. Ishtiaq Baig

Sitara-i-Imtiaz, T.I. & Wissam Al Alaoui

The Honorary Consul General of Morocco Mr. Ishtiaq Baig is a leading industrialist and Vice Chairman of Baig Group of Companies, operating in Pakistan, UAE and Morocco.

The Government of the Kingdom of Morocco has by Commission bearing date 26th December 2006 appointed Mr. Ishtiaq Baig, as their Honorary Consul General in Karachi, with consular jurisdiction extending over the Province of Sindh.

On the recommendation of the Government of Kingdom of Morocco, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan approved his appointment and the President office issued his Exequatur signed by the President and Minister of Foreign Affairs on 7th February 2007, giving him all the Privileges, Immunities and Advantages thereunto belonging.

Mr. Baig lived in Morocco for two decades, sharing awareness about its people, customs, traditions, language and economy. He considers Morocco as his second home which gave him a sense of belonging. His group also has the privilege of being the first Pakistani Group having business set up in Morocco for more than twenty years.

His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Kingdom of Morocco has conferred him with prestigious Moroccan National Award “Wissam Al Alaoui” in recognition of his services as Hon. Consul General of Morocco. The award was decorated by H.E. Ambassador of Morocco in Pakistan.

The President of Pakistan also conferred him with prestigious Civil Award ”Tamgha-e-Imtiaz” in recognition of his services in the social welfare sector.

Mr. Ishtiaq Baig is the Chairman of Pak-Morocco Business Council and also the Chairman of Standing Committee of Diplomatic Affairs of the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI).

Mr. Ishtiaq Baig is actively engaged in social welfare work in Pakistan. He is the Founding President of Make-A-Wish Foundation Pakistan, an affiliate member of Make-A-Wish Foundation Int’l, the largest wish granting organization in the world.

He is also a Renowned Columnist and writes regularly for the largest circulated newspaper of Pakistan, Daily Jang and Author of the book “AAJ KI DUNIYA”. He also appears regularly in various TV shows as Analyst on current affairs of national and international issues.

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